Monday, June 21, 2010

Warning: Cheese Factor is a 10

Recently, I've been reflecting on my blessings of which three are the subject of this blog. I am so unbelievably thankful for my children - especially when their messy, up to no good, challenging and hard to be around. Seriously, I love them and those 'hard' days make the 'great' days even better. So, thanks kiddos! Thanks for being YOU -- honest and real. And with that, I have to go change a blowout - thank you Hadley! XOXO

Pictures of our latest adventures below.

Piper's smile - devilish and delightful.

Happy Father's Day

Follow the Leader ...  to the Ice Cream Shop

Hadley -- a new smiler

Love these two little ones

Gray chatting with Poopaw

Ice Cream!

Bathtime with Gammy

Look Out, Tiger

Piper wasn't interested in the game. She figured it out in a quick second. Ball in hole = win.
No need to use clubs.



Wild Woman

Piper's 2nd Birthday


Somewhat staged, but it's the best seat in the house, no doubt.

Tough Girl



Check out Hadley's face. That's not the LAST time big sis is going to make you pout, darlin'

My Cup Runneth Over.

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