Thursday, May 6, 2010

Two Weeks, cheers!

It's been two weeks (and a day) since Miss Hadley Grace joined the pack. What a dream she continues to be. People have been asking "how's it going with three?" And before I get to answer, they typically do with a  quick ... "It's crazy, right?" And then, I think they're surprised when I say ... "It's okay, actually. Maybe even, great ..."

And that's the truth. Sure, we've had our hiccups in the first two weeks. Where should I start? Well, at the beginning I suppose -- I came home with Hadley on Friday 4/23 and Grayson had his first potty accident (in months) on the kitchen floor. I cried. It seemed like the appropriate response at the time. Saturday 4/24 after a wonderful day of visitors and showing off our latest and greatest -- dear Grayson projectile vomits across the dinner table. Lovely. He proceeds to repeat this offense 5 times throughout the evening.

Fast forward two days and Daddy returns to work. Tuesday night, Piper pukes at the dinner table. Lovely. And as if I wasn't already getting up in the middle of the night for Hadley feedings, we're awoken by Grayson at 4:30 AM because he's gotten sick again -- in bed. Change the sheets. Lovely. The bug doesn't stop at Piper, oh no -- it's persistent and it did the unimaginable ... it took me down on Monday-Tuesday. Ahh ...

But, here's the deal: that's life ... with multiple children. And simply stated, God is good and we are so blessed. George and I feel so fortunate to have these three amazing spirits in our life and we are so very grateful to our friends and family who have kindly lent a hand to help us through these first two weeks. So, the first two weeks you ask ...  sure, we've had tears, we've had the stomach virus, BUT we had delicious meals, smiles, laughter, fun with friends/family and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. So there.

And onto the stats -- Hadley is growing like a champ. She's back to her birth weight (actually a tad more to be exact -- 8lbs 8oz) at the 2 week check-up and we're thrilled! She's a great sleeper and a good eater. And very, very, very easy to love. Gray and Piper have now both enjoyed some QT with her and continue to enjoy their "older sibling" roles. Pictures to enjoy below.

                  Hadley's 1st Sponge Bath @ Home

                            Daddy and his tribe

                     The classic post-bath shot

    Thirty toes I cannot live without (there are 10  more missing, but they're bigger and not as cute, sorry babe.) 

   Gray holding his baby sister

Oh no we didn't ... Oh yes we I did. The first of many lil sis/big sis outfits.

 Our chunky monkey


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