Friday, April 3, 2009

Here Comes The Sun

We have a major case of Spring Fever at our house. I blame the viruses that set-up camp in our dwelling over the past three weeks. Thankfully, it appears that we’ve bored them and they’re moving on and out! Good news for us, as we return the Land of the Living. After all, here comes the sun … it is April. Rain if you must, because we do enjoy the flowers.

Piper will be ten months old tomorrow. Gray will be 2 1/2 years old at the end of next month. Time is a-flying! So, Gray’s vocabulary is just growing and growing. It’s super fun to listen to him speak and watch him grow, both physically and intellectually. He’s smart and at times a little sassy. But what a love! Fire trucks, Curious George, Choo-Choos, Dinosaurs, Cars & Trucks, Lacrosse, Basketball,  Painting,  all continue to be among his favorites. He still can’t get enough of the movies, whether it be Cars, Finding Nemo or Shrek. Piper is on the move. I repeat, girlfriend can crawl and in every direction. She’ll even stand, if supported. She can dance and she keeps a pretty good beat. If I’m being honest, her moves in conjunction with her adorable facial expressions worry me, well us. And she’s eating … table food galore. Unlike her older brother, I think she’ll have no problem taking down her 1st birthday cake come celebration time in early June. Did I mention she has at least 6 teeth now? Holy Chompers!

 April 2009 083

piper crawling

April 2009 013

future star

April 2009 024   this is how we roll

April 2009 033fiesty mamacita

April 2009 036


April 2009 014  she’s not always smiling and laughing, believe you me!

April 2009 011 gray’s easter bunny

April 2009 026first wagon ride of the season 

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