Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's a ..... drum roll, please .... G-I-R-L!

Piper Louise arrived on June 4, 2008. She was quite the delivery surprise, as many had assumed
we were going to have more BLUE in our house. They were wrong and thus, we were tickled PINK!

Trip to the Zoo ... what a sleeper!

One of many Father/Daughter moments

Our very own Sleeping Beauty

Gray hugging his new "sister" ugh ... bear.

Piper Louise ... our sweet baby girl

Onward, my people! Get me outta here ....

Weighing in two ounces heavier then dear brother Gray

Piper, my dear. You've made us a family of ... one, two, three, FOUR!

What's a guy gotta do to see his new baby sister?!?

Just minutes after delivery

Best gals

Happy Independence Day 2008

Pre-Outing Nap

4 weeks old

Labor ... fun times.

But so worth it for this lil flower.

Super sweet ... Gray lovin' on his little sister.

Glow worm

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