Grayson is just months away from turning 4 years old! He's still enamored with pirates and aquatic life. This kid is an outstanding Big Brother! Gray is pretty gentle and patient with his two adoring little sisters Piper and Hadley. He's a natural conversationalist ... not surprising at all if you know his parents well. Gray's return to preschool was terrific. He loves his new teachers and is enjoying spending his mornings with new and old friends alike. Gray's full of questions, loves counting and continues to steal hearts, each and every day.
Piper celebrated her 2nd birthday this June and is wild as ever. While I type this post, she is in her room, crib actually (note, it is nap time) and she's engaged in a sing-a-long / conversation / some sort of theatrical production with a captive audience including me (via Baby Monitor) and several of her closest plush friends. Quite entertaining if I do say so myself. Piper joined big brother Gray at preschool this year and is loving it as well. No tears yet -- a fairly smooth transition from home with Mommy to spending two mornings a week with her classmates. What a BIG GIRL! Next up: Potty training this Fall.
And Hadley ... oh my, sweet Hadley Grace. She turned 5 months old this week and what a delight she is. This time last year, I was one miserable pregnant lady, who could barely keep her head out of the toilet nor her body out of bed. And let me be the first to say, I'd do that all over again for this sweet little baby girl -- her smile melts my heart. And her laugh is infectious, just ask her siblings. Hadley started eating Oatmeal this Summer and we hope to have her on fruits and vegetables next month. Exciting times indeed for this little one. So far, she's following in her brother's footsteps in respect to her personality and chill nature (not to mention, their baby pictures look fairly identical). Hadley is noticeably thriving as seen in her thighs and cheeks. Finally, she rolled over today, which was very exciting for both her and her spectators (me and Piper).

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