It's been over a month since our last post. Who knew we could get so busy? I'm having a hard time recognizing that our dear little girl is only months away from her 1st birthday. As each new little tooth pops through, it brings with it clear validation that she's growing quickly and ready for table food!?! Piper is a joy, as she crawls (or scoots) backwards and is enjoying her new found freedom of independent movement. Although, this makes child proofing next to impossible. All of a sudden, those age specifications for toys are obsolete. How can we possibly keep Gray's itsy bitsy Lego's, magnets and other choking hazards away from this curious almost 9 month old? Speaking of Gray, he's fabulous! We had several weeks of sleep protest, which was a struggle. But ultimately, Daddy and Mommy were victorious and Gray has gone back to his normal sleep routines, including a solid mid-day nap. This makes everyone happier, especially Gray. He's getting so big and his vocabulary continues to expand. He's definitely discovered a wild streak within, not sure where that comes from since both of his parents are so mild-mannered?! I do have to say though that I am particularly fond of his devilish grin and on cue giggle. Oh what fun our adventures will be :) And speaking of adventures, we are ready for the temperatures to rise! C'mon already, Spring!! All kidding aside, what a wonderful Winter we've had and we are so grateful for all of our blessings.

I love reading the blog!