Thursday, February 28, 2013


Scarlett is our smallest baby and our last and so very special. I'm loving this time in the hospital with her and getting to know the little creature who resided inside of my tummy just days ago.

It seems like forever and a day since Hadley was a newborn. Loving this time. How fast they grow ...

Thank you, God for another miracle.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


So, Hadley Grace - the baby of our family - gets promoted tomorrow. My induction has been scheduled for 5:30am. Here's hoping for a quick and speedy delivery and a healthy baby.

Tonight, sweet Hadley had her way with my belly, laying on it rather uncomfortably at times, as if to say, this is my turf. And right you are dear Hadley. xoxo

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tick Tock

Last Tuesday, we were filling our bellies with chocolate chip pancakes in preparation for Lent. And tonight, one week later, we're contemplating the arrival of our fourth child, as early as one day next week. Pinch me.

Valentine's Day was full of love and treats and extra sweets :) We replenished our board game collection and Gray is loving Operation. And I had to stop and take a pic of their supermarket snuggle yesterday ... It's unusual for me to take the three of them food shopping, but yesterday was an exception and we had fun.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Semi-Annual iPhone Dump

Photo Blitz from Fall '12 to now.

Last month for the Kennedy 5

Time has flown with this pregnancy. In the past, I've wished it away ... but this time, it's different. Baby K4 is our last baby and while she was rather unexpected, we know now that with her eminent arrival, our family will be complete.

Just last week, we braved Babies-R-Us and delightfully snagged one of the "expectant mothers" parking spots. See, it's the little things ;) We trust she'll find the new carseat and stroller adequate , the new Boppy pillow plush enough and the other assorted baby items to her liking.

It's been fun and all very unexpected. We are so grateful for the opportunity to fall in love again with another little soul. What a gift - and such a tiny miracle.

Gray, Piper and Hadley are all very excited for their baby sister's arrival. To my delight, I could be induced as early as Wednesday, February 27th. And yet, I still enjoy, as much as I can, each and every fetal movement with wonder and surprise and even my not so sexy waddle.

Here are the latest pictures from our ultrasound this week. Baby K4 weighs 5lbs10oz, so we expect her to be similar in size to her siblings, 8+ lbs.

Last but not least, with the new addition to our family, I hope to blog more (some how, mostly pictures) and will move this content over to a new site. Stay tuned.