Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Lovin

Three cheers for sunscreen, sand and surf! Summer kicked off with a wonderful weekend at the beach and then, a fabulous 3rd birthday celebration for our pretty princess Piper Lou. We had a lovely picnic at Ft. McHenry one Sunday afternoon and have spent many of our summer days poolside. It seems our birds have traded their wings for fins. Both Gray and Piper attended their first ever week long VBS camp at our Church and had a BLAST! So fun watching them grow up -- Looking forward to more fun days and nights ahead, as the temperatures rise ... after all, it's summer, summer, summer-time!!!
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spring in 18 shots

march and april flew so fast for our little birds. we blinked and our youngest turned 1. dear hadley grace knew exactly what to do with those sugary treats and fun was had by all. and then, ta-da ... it's Easter time. we celebrated with family and friends, and a zillion eggs!
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