Saturday, March 24, 2012

Our padawan Grayson at 5 years old
Our Sunshine Girl Piper who will turn 4 years old this Summer

Happy Hadley who's turning 2 years old next month

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Should'a, Would'a, Could'a

I remember not to long ago my Mom would tease me after receiving weekly Kodak Gallery Albums of our dogs. Quickly she would remark that I needed to have children. Well, Mom - I listened. I had them and now, I no longer take the time to write, record or send pictures of our now, ONE dog, let alone our onetwo, three children. Tsk, tsk.

This year for Lent I gave up social media and I have to say, I've been much happier sans Facebook and Twitter. Though these websites are wonderful and have allowed me to stay in touch with many old and new friends, I feel that social media has also enabled me to become a rather lazy friend. I adore seeing my friends' pictures - especially of celebrations, outings and of their growing children, but I'd much rather take time to reach out to them, one by one, so they know I'm (a) interested and (b) wanting to be a more intimate part of their life.

After chatting with a dear friend today, I visited her blog and oozed over her darling babes. She inspired me to do a little housekeeping of my own, as she pointed out that I hadn't updated since the Fall. And so, my title for tonight's post seemed fitting. I have so many excuses for not stopping, for not clicking that camera, for not writing, for not calling, for not sharing. I love it when others take the time, so I should to. And I'm gonna ...

I've decided I will return to the blog forum, as a medium to share my happenings. I like it. I like that people can come and go, as they wish. I like that I can write and post pictures and that it's not "in your face." It's not about a popularity contest of how many friends you have or comments you earn. It's not about showing off resources or even accomplishments. This blog is simply about my perspective and life with three little birds.