We kicked off May with a 1-2 punch in the Virgin Islands. It was a perfect vacation for us. We came away relaxed and refreshed. What more can you ask for?
Gray swam with Wings all by himself. This made us so very proud of our brave little guy. He fell in love with the Iguanas that crowded the sidewalks and trees on St. Thomas. We returned home with a stuffed animal “Dinosaur,” as he calls it. This thing has not left his side yet.
Piper is standing for lengths of time and is cruising a bit. She’s moving fast and keeps us on our toes. She is so unlike her cautious older brother in such ways. Always very curious and gravitates towards danger, that’s our girl! We’re gearing up for her 1st Birthday in the coming weeks and look forward to partying with our friends and family. It’s hard to believe she’s been with us for almost a year now. We are so blessed.
And now for the pictures. So many …
piper chewing on her toes
g & p

daddy & gray and the water slide
snack time poolside

naptime poolside

mommy and piperlou

the boys are watching the boats

just before “lights out” on the kids’ balcony
piper naps anywhere – that is one thing they have in common


hang time in the baby pool
daddy and his little girl

mommy and her baby boy
magen’s bay beach babes
daddy and piperlou
the kennedys take st john
plk @ trunk bay
gray represents the Os
sandy baby
gray and daddy
water wings
lunch at CoCo Joes

Natty Boh