In an effort to avoid further contamination, my husband and I decided that I should keep the kids out of Music Class over the next two weeks, because we really don't need any sickies to spoil our upcoming vacation. And so we found ourselves venturing off to see the animals at our local ZOO, something we try to do weekly. It was a beautiful day spent with good friends and packed full of fun. As if brushing the goats wasn't enough of a thrill, we decided to head over to visit Daddy at his office (I was told it was "National Bring Your Kids To Work Day"). We concluded our day of excitement and glee with an ice cream cone before dinner, as it seemed only fitting. And for whatever reason, today was one of those days when you feel like things couldn't get any better ...
Gray is so busy ... he's busy growing and trying new things!! Recently, he's way into pirates - songs & toys. Still, he admires all policemen, firemen, trash men, mailmen, pilots and choo-choo drivers. A passing school bus, helicopter or firetruck (really, it's typically an ambulance BUT he doesn't know the difference yet) puts the biggest smile on his face. Gray is such a sweetie, if I do say so myself!
Piper's a fast little one. The speed to which I am referring is when she crawls, as she is not yet walking. Boy, can our girl get around quickly! And while she's little (25th percentile of her age group), she loves to eat -- sliced bananas, blueberries, peas, green beans, applesauce, pasta, meatballs, chicken, fruit bars, Puffs, Cheerios ... the list goes on and on and on. At last count, I believe there were 7 teeth in her mouth and wow, she loves to flash her toothy grin!
Gray insisted on wearing his Mickey Ears to the Giant.

Big fans of Storyville

Piper and Gray's first tandem cart ride

Druid Hill

Piper Lou chillin'

PLK Close-up

Brushing the Goats

Piper at Grammy & Pop-Pop's

The Adventures of Gray & Piper

Tiny Dancer


Gray is all smiles

Easter Sunday

Dying Eggs

Blowing Bubbles ... latest obsession

Sneaking some playtime with Gray's toys and Grandpa

Gray visits Gammy at work and plays on the Typewriter
We're RETRO like that ...

Gammy and Piper at the Office

Gray and the Gorilla


Piper's favorite time of day = Meal time

Gray in his "tree fort"

Gray walks Rocky or Rocky walks Gray
(sort of like the glass is half empty or full ...)

This makes me laugh everytime. Rocky is practically sitting on Piper who is passed out.

Wagon Rides provide endless fun