Piper Louise’s front top teeth have begun their decent. It’s amazing the impact these new little chicklets have on such a small face. It’s as if she’s no longer a baby … only she is.
At 9 months, Piper is able to stand while supported for bits of time. She’s got a fierce personality, which is fitting for a “Piper.” She’s eating table food now and turns her nose up @ the pureed baby food offerings. Keeping a watchful eye on big bro Gray constantly, Piper continues to be a complete love.
Spring is not far away. And for this we are so grateful. Gray has enjoyed many an afternoon out back on the playground, fiddling with various athletic equipment and/or driving around in his car (yes, he drives 3 MPH). He continues to be obsessed with all things Curious George … like father, like son. Recently, he’s been very interested in aquatic life, whether it be watching ‘Finding Nemo’, eating Shark treats or staring at his pet fish Goldie & Jimmy.
Wyatt enjoys some R&R in the Sandbox
Gray loves Climbing

Piper takes a Swing

Piper is standing (with some help from the piano)


Our little Elf