Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All The Way ...

I blinked and it's just days until Santa pays us a visit. Of course, there is so much more to Christmas, but when you're two years old, it's all about the toys and trains. Oh and the cookies and the music! We've had a great month filled with parties and festive holiday traditions. It started with Breakfast with Santa! Pretty cool. Gray was very excited when Santa made his entrance, however when it came time to sit upon Santa's lap, Gray froze .... while Piper smiled and grinned. Who knew?! Expect the unexpected. We've decorated the house, enjoyed baking Christmas cookies and watched "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," "Frosty the Snowman" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," OVER AND OVER AND OVER. And now we wait and watch the miracle and magic unfold ... Merry Christmas!!

Gray = Huge Fan of the Car Shopping Cart. Even bigger fan of Cheese.

Crazy Ravens fans

Daddy and Gray
Piper is so happy to be sitting infront of the tree

Our stockings ... the dogs' stockings are the little ones on the ends.

Pretty Piper

Piper, PopPop & Gray

Gray is Piper's hero

Our little lady is sitting up on her own.

Strike a pose, Piper!

Who doesn't love to wear a tutu?!?

Holiday Card Photo Shoot

C'mon kids ... give us something to work with :)

The post-"who the heck is this guy and why am I sitting on his lap?" embrace

Piper was a happy little girl, while Gray appeared to be having second thoughts.

Gammy and Gray spy Santa

Coloring, a favorite past time
Daddy and Piper-lou await Santa's arrival

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Election, Mickey, Birthday & Tarheels? Oh my ....

Action packed. Full of firsts. Endless fun. That was November for us. We were lucky enough to take the kids to Disney World for a few days in early November. Wow! That place is really magical and brings out the kid in everyone. Of course, the fun didn't stop in Florida. We celebrated Gray's 2nd birthday this month with an Elmo themed Bash. For Thanksgiving, we took to the highway and headed South to visit family in North Carolina. We're so very thankful for our dear friends and family, good health and prosperity.

Super Smooth.

"Oh NO he didn't!?!?!"

Grays been a supporter for 'years.'

The good kind of mice :-)

Piper's first dip @ 5 months

Strike a pose

Minnie's a sweetie.

Gray is obsessed with his Mickey Mouse hat.

Pipes and Mommy rock the Mickey ears.

Walt, a Mouse & Gray

"Hey Duck! Where ya been hiding !?!"

Family Fun on "It's a small world"

Daddy and his kids

Happy Thanksgiving 2008

Mommy's Boys

Daddy's Girls
Grandpa and Gray share a Cheers.

Gray feeding some crazy Carolina ducks

Playground fun

Gray and the football

Gray = Renaissance Man

Still lovin' the Swing

Funny Bunny

Happy Birthday Gray!

Piper loves to snuggle.

Gray loves the camera ... uh oh!

Trains rule in this 2-year old's world

Gray definitely "gets" the opening presents thing, this year.

Wyatt likes to help

Two Years Old .... already

His very own Dyson ... what a lucky boy ;-)

Momma Bear and her Baby

Dorothy was here.

Don't ask me! I've only known him for 5 months.